20 Sep Murdoch Mugshot
Hedcut style ink stipple cartoon of Rupert Murdoch being processed at Central Booking for crimes against journalism....
Hedcut style ink stipple cartoon of Rupert Murdoch being processed at Central Booking for crimes against journalism....
Narrative illustration accompanying a personal essay about self-identity, black female archetypes, and the web series “Misadventures of an Awkward Black Girl”....
Editorial illustration for an essay examining recent bipartisan maneuvers that have been employed to destabilize social security....
Editorial illustration accompanying an essay on the intersection between persistent right wing racism and the objectivist ideologies embraced by Ayn Rand’s followers....
Editorial illustration accompanying a book review of SEUI union organizer Jane McAlevey’s autobiography. ...
Editorial illustration for a two page inside spread accompanying a collection of articles on feminism in the age of Occupy Wall Street....
Cover illustration for a special edition of The Indypendent devoted to new modes of cross cultural feminist organizing....
Editorial Illustration for an essay that outlined ways in which Occupy groups evicted from physical spaces could form alliances with, and support, currently existing community groups....
One of the daily submissions during a month-long online residency, this piece was in response to a NYT article entitled, “A World Without Hate”, a feature story about forgiveness in the aftermath of a horrific attack....
Cover Illustration The Indypendent’s special “Surveillance” issue. The cover story focussed on the concept of monitoring individuals and collecting a lifetime's worth of information on them in the event all past data may be needed should they commit a crime at some point in the...